posted 30th May 2024
A small fraction of women have a heart-shaped uterus, known as a bicornuate uterus, which is a congenital uterine abnormality where the uterus has two sections divided by a septum or wall of tissue. This condition, affecting about 3.9% of women, might impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes.
Many women with this condition are unaware of it due to the lack of noticeable symptoms. Diagnosis often occurs during an ultrasound scan or following experiences like miscarriage, bleeding, or difficulty conceiving. While the presence of this abnormality doesn't necessarily hinder conception, it can influence the positioning of the baby during pregnancy and potentially increase the challenges of carrying a baby to full term.
Depending on the specific type of bicornuate uterus, there may be an elevated risk of miscarriage or preterm delivery (before 37 weeks), possibly due to reduced uterine capacity and irregular contractions. Additionally, this condition can be associated with cervical incompetence, which further raises the risk of preterm birth. Consequently, individuals with a bicornuate uterus may require closer monitoring during pregnancy and specialized care led by a consultant to ensure the safety of both mother and baby.
Discovering that you have a uterine abnormality might understandably stir up feelings of anxiety, particularly if you've faced miscarriage or premature birth before. It's crucial to openly discuss any worries you're experiencing with your midwife sonographer; here at Daisyscan we would be able to talk you through your concerns and ensure the best possible care for you and your baby. Your well-being is paramount and Daisyscan is here to support you every step of the way.